Auckland City Acupuncture
"My goal is to help you take better care of yourself and your family and to make better decisions which will improve your health and well-being. I will provide personalized information and treatment plans designed to make your health journey easier and time with me more rewarding. Thank you again for the trust you have placed in me."
"May you always be happy and peaceful."
San is qualified and experienced acupuncturist and Eastern medicine doctor. He was an automotive engineer a long time ago. However, a strong inspiration to find great value in caring human health led him to Eastern medicine, and has been practicing as an acupuncturist and herbalist since 2008. He is also specialized in Sa-Am acupuncture which is a traditional Korean acupuncture. He is a human-centred and trustworthy healthcare provider.
San Yeom
NZ Registered Acupuncturist & Chinese Medicine Practitioner
BHSc (Acupuncture)
BHSc (Chinese Medicine)
BSc (Engineering)
Member of CMCNZ
Member of Acupuncture NZ
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